Student Success Statement Together Everyone Achieves More If you work together you are more likely to achieve more things then when you work by yourself.
People are holding hands
there going up a hill
it looks like if there in the desert
2 guys 2 girls
there helping each other
there all wearing pants
i see people that have a goal to reach
blue sky
Monday, November 18, 2013
Student Success Statement
What i think this little poem is try to say that are you going to fallow your dreams or your not going to fallow your dream.
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Student Success Statement ''A definite worthy goal, combined with a positive mental attitude (PMA), is the strating point of all worthwhile achievement.'' Napoleon Hill
What it is say that if you fallow your dream your dream and your 100% focus you can accomplish your dream.
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Studen Success Statement ''I wasn't trying to leave a legacy. I was trying to do what was right.'' Dean Smith
The quote is saying that he didnt want to impress people he just wanted do what was right.
Student Success Statement ''We become what we think about.'' Earl Nightingale If you think about something you want to accomplish then do it.
Monday, November 4, 2013
Student Success Statement ''Good thoughts bear good fruit. Bad thoughts bear bad fruit.'' James Allen If you do good thing you will be rewarded and if you do bad thing your going to be punished.